Hello beautiful, I’m Olivia. Some call me Liv, but to me, “LIVYOUNG,” is a feeling, a choice to no longer exist on the hamster wheel that life can be, and to actively choose being ALIVE. I spent most of my life trying, fighting, forcing: to prove myself worthy, to be seen, overcompensating for the deep unworthy, unlovable, feelings, without even knowing I was feeling those things! I compared my progress’ to others, I lived in constant judgment of myself and my body, I fell into the trap of the 2D lifestyle of caring what others’ thought of me, attempting to live my life externally, only to realize that wasn’t living— all fight, no flow, until I took a step back to actually ask myself WHY? Why did I feel unworthy, unlovable, unseen?

I built a successful fitness concept with two studios in New York City, signed a lease before ever teaching a class, after 7-years as brand director for a global hospitality company opening restaurants world wide, and still something was missing. Nothing felt, right. After my dream studio opened in February 2020, and then closed three weeks after Covid shutdown, the universe called me to adventure. And I said yes: to lose me, to find me, to learn me to love me. My adventure wasn’t simple: it involved years of psychedelic assisted therapy to uproot unconscious memories, facing and healing years of buried sexual trauma, to understand my habits, patterns, limiting beliefs. I had to reboot my mind, heart, my body, to bring myself back to life. IT wasn’t easy and yet along the way, no matter how painful, I realized, like all things, it didn’t have to be so hard. I could choose my perspective. I could wake up everyday and choose pain or choose love. I learned that healing is the willingness to learn you to love you, to choose you again and again, to forgive people, places and things that separate you from more love. My journey was wrought with very deep trauma — which resulted in heavy limiting beliefs, fears, self hate, stuck energy in the mind and body. But in befriending my darkness, I learned to alchemize it, to dance with my shadow so that I could hold others in their own … and lead them into light to find their flow, as I did.

The space between what we have and what we want is filled with our excuses. And those excuses create our reality. And so I created my commitment to self, so that I could serve others, the love that we seek, the answers, the tools, all of it, can only be found inside. But to get to the good stuff, we have to dig through the muck, the stuck, to unstuck. And here we are. I’m so glad you found me. Welcome to your path home. You might realize that learning yourself might actually be fun. It’s time to start living.

There is little that makes me uncomfortable, because I’ve lived most, if not all of it — and so this is a safe space to share, everything. My offerings are for everyone, I work with all ages and genders. The human experience is human. There is no such thing as rushing the process. The process takes as long as it takes. Pace > race. We work hard to LIVYOUNG, and we do it all for love.

You. You first. No fixing, no saving, no filling, no escaping. The only permission you need is your own. No, shoulda, coulda, woulda. Now. All you have is this moment. Take the opportunity. Say how you feel. Use your voice. Do what scares you. Big Freedom is found thru the big feelings. Face them, but don’t attach to them. Let them move through you. Let them go. Keep going. Limit distraction to welcome attraction. Trust the timeline of your life. Be patient but willing. Your potential is limitless, stop questioning. Your dreams are your birthright. Resistance is here to teach you to stand up for you and to you. Playing safe is for those who fear greatness. Why would you fear the capacity of your own heart? Choosing love is choosing You.

— Olivia


Anchovies > everything.

Mountains > beach. 

Early riser > night owl. 

Chocolate > vanilla 

Tahini >  peanut butter

Heels, always. 

Mascara makes everything better. 

Bras are optional. 

There is no such thing as “too much,” when it comes to “sharing.”